





Here are some reasons why FreeRTOS is a good choice for your next application - FreeRTOS...

  1. Provides a single and independent solution for many different architectures and development tools.
  2. Is known to be reliable. Confidence is assured by the activities undertaken by the SafeRTOS sister project.
  3. Is feature rich and still undergoing continuous active development.
  4. Has a minimal ROM, RAM and processing overhead. Typically an RTOS kernel binary image will be in the region of 6K to 12K bytes.
  5. Is very simple - the core of the RTOS kernel is contained in only 3 C files. The majority of the many files included in the .zip file download relate only to the numerous demonstration applications.
  6. Is truly free for use in commercial applications (see license conditions for details).
  7. Has commercial licensing, professional support and porting services available in the form of OPENRTOS from our partner WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems.
  8. Has a migration path to SafeRTOS, which includes certifications for the medical, automotive and industrial sectors.
  9. Is well established with a large and ever growing user base.
  10. Contains a pre-configured example for each port. No need to figure out how to setup a project - just download and compile!
  11. Has an excellent, monitored, and active free support forum.
  12. Has the assurance that commercial support is available should it be required.
  13. Provides ample documentation.
  14. Is very scalable, simple and easy to use.
  15. FreeRTOS offers a smaller and easier real time processing alternative for applications where eCOS, embedded Linux (or Real Time Linux) and even uCLinux won't fit, are not appropriate, or are not available.

